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Vitamin D3 and Tesosterone

Vitamin D3 and Tesosterone

A 1939 study found that just 5 days of UV light exposure to a man’s chest can increase testosterone levels by a whopping 120%...

So basically, doing yard work shirtless for the next 5 days can give you a big boost…

And it gets even more exciting…

Vitamin D is one of the 24 essential vitamins needed for human survival. It supports more than 1,000 bodily functions, including boosting your testosterone levels. Fact is, vitamin D isn’t just a vitamin. It’s a steroid hormone, which means it’s involved in a lot of processes for sexual health and male performance through testosterone. For example…

A study from the journal, Hormone and Metabolic Research found when men supplement with vitamin D every day for a year, they have more than 25% higher testosterone levels than the placebo group…

> > > Get Your Monthly Supply of D3 Here to Boost Testosterone 

A study from Oxford found men with optimal vitamin D levels had significantly higher testosterone levels than men who didn’t…

They also had lower sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is an enzyme that attaches to testosterone and blocks it from attaching to your androgen receptors, which basically makes it useless in the body…

So the less SHBG you have, the more free roaming testosterone you’ll have, and the more POWER you’ll feel from your testosterone.

Another study found older men who supplement with vitamin D are more likely to have healthy testosterone levels as they age…

So if there’s just one vitamin you were to get into your diet, vitamin D would be the one. But the problem is…

Studies show almost 50% of men are deficient in vitamin D. So I want to give you 5 foods high in vitamin D that’ll help boost your testosterone levels:

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are absolutely loaded with naturally occurring vitamin D.

Now, the vitamin D in mushrooms is vitamin D2, which is significantly less bioavailable in the body than the vitamin D3 found in animal products, but according to research, it can still help boost vitamin D levels.

Portobello mushrooms have 82% the recommended daily amount (RDA)...

Maitake mushrooms have 57% the RDA…

Chanterelle mushrooms have 29% the RDA…

And shiitake mushrooms have 21% of the RDA…

Again, the problem with these amounts is that vitamin D2 is about 30% as effective as vitamin D3 in replenishing vitamin D levels... which means you would need 3x all the amounts above for real “useful” vitamin D amounts.

2. Wild Fish

Fatty fish is a great source of vitamin D. In fact, the flesh of oily fish is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin D3.

The catch is you want to eat wild fish, and avoid fish farmed with soy pellets. Wild fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support hormone and brain health, while factory farmed fish are fed soy pellets that increase their omega-6 fatty acid content. Omega-6 is inflammatory which can drop testosterone.

Anyways, wild fish and fish liver products are high in vitamin D. For example…

Cod liver oil has 1666% the RDA…

Wild salmon has 143% the RDA…

Wild mackerel has 41% the RDA…

And wild tuna has 38% of the RDA.

3. Milk

Naturally, milk only contains small amounts of vitamin D. But ever since 1933, when it was discovered that most people were deficient in vitamin D, countries began adding vitamin D3 to foods…

And one of the first to be fortified was milk. Since then, most brands of milk have varying amounts of added vitamin D.

On average, a cup of fortified milk contains 20% of the RDA.

4. Egg Yolk

Egg yolks are one of the best sources of naturally occurring micronutrients, including vitamin D.

It’s also packed with cholesterol and fatty-acids to enhance their absorption and boost testosterone levels too. 4 egg yolks account for 37% of the RDA of vitamin D.

5. Oysters

Oysters (study) are the best foods for vitamin D, which explains why they’re one of the best testosterone boosting foods as well. 100 grams of raw oysters hit 53% of the RDA of vitamin D.

Also, legend has it, Casanova ate 50 oysters every morning to maintain his libido, and some recent evidence suggests that he might have been onto something. Oysters are now supported as a natural aphrodisiac for men.

I can’t overstate how important vitamin D is for your testosterone levels, man. It can be a complete game-changer…

So make sure you get these 5 foods into your diet on a daily basis…

And if you want to take the easy road and get all the vitamin D3 you need in a few seconds each day…

Order our super-absorption vitamin D3 supplement Man D3. It’s a really quick way to keep your levels in check, boost your testosterone and keep it high.

=> Order Man D3 Here Today to Support Healthy Hormones and a Healthy Immune System

Don’t skimp on vitamin D3, man. Prioritize it and get it into your diet asap.

Be Legendary,
Chad Howse



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