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How to Increase Your Percentage of Free Testosterone

How to Increase Your Percentage of Free Testosterone

The common conversation among the podcasts and videos on the interwebz when talking about men's health, men's aging, and male performance, is focused on - among other things - boosting testosterone.

But, that doesn't tell the entire story. Did you know that there's a small percentage of your overall testosterone that's actually responsible for what testosterone actually does? Like repairing tissue, increasing ambition, motivation, and energy?

Typically your body has it's overall testosterone, and most of it is bound to a protein called sex binding hormone globulin. But 2-3% of this overall testosterone is 'unbound' to SHBG, and free to move around the body and do what testosterone does.

Being that it's a percentage of overall testosterone, the higher your overall testosterone is, the more free testosterone you have floating around your body.

However, there are ways in which we can 'un-bind' our overall testosterone, and increase the percentage of free testosterone in our bodies, and in this article we'll cover the best, science-backed ways of achieving this, so you can live better, for longer, with optimal hormones and optimal health. 

If you're looking to feel stronger, sharper, and more like yourself, increasing your free testosterone is crucial. Let’s dive into the science of what free testosterone does, why some guys don’t have enough, and how you can increase yours.

Why Free Testosterone Matters

Total testosterone levels don’t tell the full story. You could have normal total testosterone levels but still experience symptoms of low testosterone if your free testosterone levels are low. That’s because free testosterone is the one directly responsible for most of testosterone’s positive effects on the body.

In men, free testosterone is vital for:

  • Muscle growth and maintenance: Studies show that free testosterone directly impacts the size and strength of muscles. Men with higher free testosterone levels have greater lean muscle mass and strength.

  • Libido and sexual performance: Free testosterone plays a major role in male libido. Men with low free testosterone often experience decreased sex drive and performance.

  • Mental clarity and focus: Testosterone, particularly free testosterone, helps improve cognitive function, decision-making, and motivation.

  • Energy and vitality: Men with higher free testosterone levels tend to report higher energy levels and stamina, both in the gym and in their day-to-day life.

In short, increasing your overall testosterone, as well as the percentage of that testosterone that is 'free' from SHBG, makes you better, and thus, your life better, for longer.

Testosterone is vital for muscle mass, which is increasingly being shown to be necessary for a longer, more active life. But it's also important for fat loss and overall body composition, as well as other health and longevity markers.

Why You May Have Low Free Testosterone

The biggest factor affecting free testosterone is elevated levels of SHBG. When SHBG binds to testosterone, it becomes unavailable for the body to use.

High SHBG levels are linked to obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet, and excessive body fat, which can further suppress free testosterone.

So, if we can unbind our bound testosterone, we can increase our free testosterone, and claim all of the benefits for longevity, but also quality of life and improved performance that comes from doing so.

Let's dive into how to get this done.

How to Increase Free Testosterone Naturally

There are several proven strategies to increase free testosterone levels, including lifestyle changes and proven supplements.

1. Exercise: Lift Heavy, Sprint Fast

Strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have been shown to increase both total and free testosterone levels. Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are especially effective .

Regular strength training helps reduce body fat, which in turn decreases SHBG and allows more testosterone to remain free and active.

Body fat is one of the biggest impeders of free testosterone. Getting lean is vital, not only for your free testosterone, but your overall health and performance.

Strength training has been repeatedly shown to be the best form of training for body composition and fat loss, but also longevity. The key is quick, explosive movements for both weight training and cardio.

The other benefit with more intense forms of cardio is the impact on your VO2max, improving circulation, longevity, and energy, as well as fat loss while maintaining muscle mass more effectively.

Aim for...

3-5 strength training workouts per week.

4-6 cardio sessions per week, though benefits of the Norwegian Method of cardio can be seen with a brief session even just once per week.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Studies consistently show that sleep deprivation significantly lowers testosterone levels. A study by the University of Chicago found that men who slept less than five hours per night for a week had testosterone levels comparable to men 10-15 years older . Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to keep your testosterone levels optimized.

If you want to dial in your sleep, check out this article on how to do so, while increasing testosterone.

3. Eat Testosterone-Boosting Foods

Certain foods can help boost testosterone production and reduce SHBG levels, including:

  • Healthy fats: Research shows that diets higher in healthy fats from eggs and animal proteins can increase testosterone. The building blocks of testosterone is cholesterol, so getting enough dietary fats supports overall hormone production (aim for 30-35% of calories from healthy fats).
  • Zinc-rich foods: Zinc is crucial for testosterone production. Shellfish, beef, and eggs are excellent sources of zinc.
  • Good carbs: Natural carbohydrates won't directly increase free testosterone, but they'll help with body composition, as well as keeping your stress hormones in check (low carb diets tend to increase cortisol levels), while also containing nutrients and antioxidants to support overall health - fruits and roots are a great source of carbohydrates.
  • Proteins: Proteins, again, help with body composition, which is vital for optimal free testosterone levels. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound from sources like animals, eggs, dairy, and supplementation.

4. Lower Stress and Cortisol Levels

Chronic stress elevates cortisol, a hormone that inhibits testosterone production. Cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship, so managing stress can help maintain higher testosterone levels.

I've written extensively about how to manage stress. Being an entrepreneur, and running this wonderful bootstrapped, self-funded, and growing company, managing stress is a constant battle.

Check out this article for tips and real, applicable tactics: A No B.S. Guide to Defeating Stress

Supplements to Boost Free Testosterone

Along with lifestyle changes, certain supplements can help boost free testosterone levels. Here are a few scientifically backed options:

1. Zinc

As mentioned earlier, zinc is crucial for testosterone production. Supplementing with these minerals can help reduce SHBG levels, making more testosterone available for the body to use.

This study found that supplementing with zinc, when combined with exercise, increased free testosterone in male subjects.

Get a fully effective dose of zinc picolinate (the most absorbable form of zinc) in our supplement Man BOOST

2. Magnesium

This study found that supplementing with magnesium increased free testosterone by 24% when combined with exercise.

Not only does magnesium help increase free testosterone, but it also improves recovery, helps you sleep better, among many other health benefits.

Get a fully effective dose of magnesium, while improving sleep quality, in our supplement Man SLEEP

3. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is a very effective hormone (it's not actually a vitamin) at increasing overall testosterone, and unbinding testosterone, freeing it up to do what it ought to be doing.

This study found that vitamin D3 supplementation increased free and overall testosterone.

Get a fully effective dose of Vitamin D3 in liquid gel caps (more absorbable than powder form) in our supplement Man D3

4. Ashwagandha

This adaptogenic herb is well-known for its ability to reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. In addition to its stress-reducing properties, research shows that Ashwagandha may significantly boost testosterone levels.

One study found a 17% increase in testosterone and improved sperm quality in men who took ashwagandha.

Get a fully effective dose of organic KSM-66 ashwagandha in our supplement Man GREENS

Set Your Testosterone Free!

Much of what increases overall testosterone, also increases free testosterone. This is where supplementation can help move the needle just a little, and when we're talking about 1% vs 3%, it can have a massive impact on life and quality of life.

But, nutrition and training are the foundation. If you're a human, let alone a man, you ought to be strength training. Age doesn't matter, it's a must. 

Check out our supplements that support testosterone, health, and longevity...

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