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A No B.S. Guide to Defeating Stress

So... you're a tad stressed? Every day it seems like there's some new fire to put out, or the simple weight of the wo...

A Man's Guide to Being Antifragile

Years ago I read Nassim Taleb's, Antifragile... And his other books. But the term antifragile was actually created b...

How to Gain Power by Bucking Culture & Running Your Own Race

Power is...  Wanting nothing.  Needing nothing. And owing nothing. If you're healthy and strong.  Yet, we live in a c...

On Living a Great Life; An Exercise to Get There

Reflection is typically done on an annual basis, maybe quarterly, and we look back on the time period to find things ...

How to Turn Your Life Around

Life is about competition, but not in the way everyone thinks... Nor in the way we act or strive. To compete against...

We're Pursuing Happiness in the Wrong Way (Here's the Right Way)

Years ago I read a few books that altered my outlook on happiness, or, rather, affirmed what I knew to be true. While...

The Science Behind Doing Difficult Things & How it Makes You Better

We're all humans trying to live our best life while we're here. That's our existence. But I don't think we have to s...

the Depression Cure: how to fortify your mind and become antifragile

Hot Take: depression is not a natural human state, but a construct of modern society. Meaning, it is the result of u...

Never Give Up. Never Give In.

There's a delay in achievement of any kind... First, you have to figure out what to do (habits). Then you have to ...

What is the Man in the Arena? (a tale of two lives)

I like to look at my life on two paradigms, two different lives lived, whenever a decision is to be made. Both versi...

The Shared Characteristic Amongst Great Men That Will Help You Win

It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience....

A Stoic's Guide to Being Antifragile: How to Win Amidst Chaos & Tribulation

While we sell supplements to help men improve their health, hormones, and performance, our mission overall is to help...
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